Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 How to print a student's report: Grade categories
... you can print school reports either for a single exam or for the whole term ... When printing the end-of-term report ... you are to generate the final grades: How to calculate a grade for the final report/certificate ...

1 How to print a student's report: Grades, Points and Improvement score
... you can print school reports either for a single exam or for the whole term ... When printing the end-of-term report ... When printing the end-of-term report, not a single exam report, you are to generate the final grades : Warning: Do not confuse the final grade with the final grade of categories...

1 How to announce an exam via the mobile app?
... Enter a description and select the exam date ... Finally, click "Save"...

1 Grades with different weight. How is the average calculated?
... They are then computed into the average and the final grade with that set weight ... Obviously, a grade from half term exam is more important than a grade from one homework...

1 How do students learn about the exam?
... If you attached study topics when assignig the exam and there are some questions to these topics in EduPage, EduPage prepare a test to the students...

1 How to fill in data in the student's report?
... School Name: How to change the school logo and school name Students' Accounts: Import Students' Photos: How to calculate a grade for the final report/certificate ... Signature There's a possibility to add a signature before printing...

1 Printing fees and payments
... There is a separate button for printing...

(print fees, print fees and payments, print settings, )

1 How to set a different label format for printing QR codes?
In the Library module, select the "Settings" tab in the top menu. In the "Print paper" section, you can see what label dimensions are currently set. Click "Edit". Enter the dimensions of the labels you would like to use. Done...

1 How to award a grade to student who did not participate in the test?
... When editing grades in the specific exam, input one of these symbols "A" , "M" or "-" A or M (missing) mean, the student did not participate in the exam and the result should be calculated into the average with 0%...

1 Planning exams overview
... The colored icons in the calendar on the right or in the center of the screen indicate planned upcoming exams, projects, HW, etc...

1 How to plan a test/exam
... Select "Plan an exam event" in the "Popular actions" section...

1 How to announce a new exam to students
... Press "+" in the right bottom corner and choose "Plan an exam event"...

(add exam)

1 How to calculate a grade for the final report/certificate
...final grade automatically, click the "Settings" button...

1 How to sort grades in Grade book - creating assignments in Grade book
... A better solution is to create a separate column for each exam, test or homework...

1 Class teacher - Mass evaluation of students' behavior in final report/certificate
To input a grade of the same value to all students in the class (e.g. grade 1 in behavior), you don't have to input the grade to each student separately. The grade can be input en bloc. Switch to advanced mode: , select your class and subject (e.g. Behavior)...

1 How can I enter grades from an exam in EduPage but publish them later?
...You are giving students an exam at school – it's not an online exam, just a regular exam...

1 How to set up the "generic" grading type?
... Next define how the final grade should be calculated ... Example for the use of points and percent /average is calculated in percent/:...

1 What are "Study topics"?
... Announcement of an exam If you announce the date of a test or exam to the students, you can attach a list of study topics to the announcement...

1 How to set up the "custom" grading type?
... If you award the student grade A, for example, it will count into the average with a numerical value set in the "Value for average" column ... The final grade calculation can be set too...

1 Evaluation type "Points"
... The final grade is computed from a ratio of points gained to the maximum number of points ... If for example a test has maximum 100 points, then both, the student who gained 74 points and the student who gained 50 points, are awarded grade 3...

1 How to print a student's report: Uganda Primary School
... you can print school reports either for a single exam or for the whole term ... The end result should look similarly: Next, you are to generate the final grades : The data about absences is taken automatically from the class register for the given period...

1 How to solve students' attendance (absences) at the very end of the term after deadline
... If you wish to close the absences counting at an earlier deadline and for the additional excused and unexcused lessons not to be counted into the final report, follow the instructions: The administrator creates a new type of absence, not to be counted into the final report attendance...

1 How can I organize the grades into categories?
... Set the percentage of each part in the final grade: ... The example in the picture calculates with 100-35-20-25=20 %...

1 How to print QR codes for added books?
... If the printing went well, select "Yes"...

1 How to print a student's report: Uganda O-Levels
... you can print school reports either for a single exam or for the whole term ... Next, you are to generate the final grades : Lastly...

1 Assign tab - description
... preparations and standards Blue: assign material to another class (create a new assignation) Pink: you just want to prepare a material and don't want to assign it to any class yet Purple: creating an event (written exam) and announcing the date of the written exam Orange: Do you want to pr...

1 Grade book - overview
... Obviously, a mid-term exam has higher weight than a homework ... Based on the results achieved by the student, the teacher awards the student a final grade...

1 How to print a student's report: Uganda A-Levels
... you can print school reports either for a single exam or for the whole term ... you are to generate the final grades : Lastly...

1 How to input a new event into the calendar
... final exams) Free day can be input by the administrator...

1 How to print a student's report: Marks, Grades and Verbal evaluation
... you can print school reports either for a single exam or for the whole term ... The report is set to take the Final Average of the Subject and the Term...

1 Administrator: How to restrict editing grades for a term
... If you want to allow editing of final grades till some date set up the next setting...

1 Can the school hide the grades from parents?
...final grades are to be shown to logged parents or students...

1 How to enter student evaluation in the mobile application
... new exam, test, etc...

1 Evaluation type "Percentages computed from point value with informative grade"
... The percentage is counted into the final grade...

1 How to end (shorten) unlimited period for orders for more boarders
... Ensuring that all orders are terminated is also important for proper final billing...

(end, shorten, period)

1 Evaluation type "Percentages computed from point value"
... The teacher can set the weight of the percentage result to be counted into the final grade...

1 Improvements in the substitution overview
... „Chart“, or „Compact“, that saves space when printing)...

1 How can I input grades?
... The grades can be sorted into columns based on the topic of the exam...

1 Evaluation type "Grade computed from point/percentage value"
If evaluation with grades is used, EduPage can help you with computing the grade from points awarded in a test. Input the maximum number of pointsa student can gain, while creating a new test/exam. Choose the evaluation type for computing the grade...

1 Detailed description of the Planning screen
...exam can be found in the Notifications/Planning tab...

1 How to input a half-term grade
... This grade does not count into the final grade at the end of the term...

1 Administrator - results
... the final report grade or the grades from a particular examination, for example, comparative tests between several classes in one school grade...

1 Is it possible to combine evaluation with grades and evaluation with points or percentages?
... Create a new assignation - test/exam with the name "Test", maximum number of points is set to 30...

1 Administrator: How to set the grading system 1-5, 1-6, A-F etc.
... This setting is relevant mainly for selecting grade types for exams/testing, average computing and final grades...

1 Moving data to a new school year
... this is their final year at your school, you can end their study by clicking on the 'End the study' button...

1 How to print a student's report: Subject areas and Verbal evaluation
... you can print school reports either for a single exam or for the whole term...

1 Class register - setup for next school year
... Timetable publishing Please, don't forget to publish the final version of your timetable ... for example during the summer holidays...

1 What is the role of standards in EduPage?
... Based on teaching standards, pupils can test their knowledge of the subject, for example, before the exam...

1 What is aSc Substitution software good for?
... Once you had created your final timetable in aSc Timetables, you can publish it and use it to manage these daily substitutions ...

1 How to solve a situation when some students participate in the event and the rest have classes in another class? (temporary reassignment of studentsfunction)
... excursion or exam to another class and study by the students' timetable...

1 How to terminate dining during the school year
... Click to reinstate orders and enter the final day of dining...


1 What does the "Regenerate substitution" button mean in substitution
... So, for example: - if hours have been added to the schedule that need to be substituted ... Before regenerating, we recommend making a simple backup via a screenshot ("print screen") or by printing the substitution to PDF directly in the browser...

(regenerate substitution, timetable change during school year)

1 Plans and preparations in EduPage - OVERVIEW
... For example - if you have material on the topic "Decimal numbers", it's too broad category...


1 How to announce an exam via the mobile app?
... Enter a description and select the exam date ... Finally, click "Save"...

1 The difference between a test assigned 'For practice' and 'For online exam'
... This way students can practise for their exam...

1 How to randomize or how to keep the order of questions and answers fixed
...exam usually the order of questions is randomized, ie each student gets questions in different order...

1 How to prepare and print out a test with EduPage test questions
... To inform students about the upcoming exam, create an exam event for the assignment...

1 Why do I see students' incomplete/partial answers while they are working on assignment?
... In case of the 'For Online exam' assignment, the EduPage's autosave period is 2 minutes ... It is up to the teacher whether they consider the answers as final...

1 How to assign an online test to students
...) - You may change the predefined duration of the exam according to your consideration...

1 How to create new test from prepared questions cards?
... If you want to announce date of exam only, create Exam event...

1 Class register in EduPage mobile application
... Assigning homework/exam: Press the "Add new exam / homework / Test" option in the Timetable section...

1 Versions of printed tests with question groups
... If you wish to notify the students about the upcoming test, click "Create an exam event to notify others about this exam" and input its date and time...

1 How to create a new test ?
... What information can you see on Assign tab? green: categorization of the material - to preparations, standards or study topics violet: announce the date of exam to students blue: assign the test to another class orange: allow to play online - students can see this test and they can do ...

1 Student experienced power cut/computer breakdown during online test
...exam), the countdown starts with the first running of the test...


1 Printing weekly timetables
By default the software prints the two weeks (or two terms) timetable on one sheet, with the row divided into weeks (terms)...

1 Printing pictures of subjects
... So if you want to print the timetable on some other PC you have to copy this folder before printing ...

1 Printing individual student's timetables
You can print the timetable for each student, go to print preview and select report "TimeTable for each Student": Now the software will print only those seminars(course) that this students has picked...

1 Printing multiple timetables on one page
... This can be good to save paper when printing timetables for students or classes...

1 Printing different bell times for school sections/days
pridaj tu kompletny obrazok - aj s ukazkou tlace, nech je jasne, ako sa k "print setup" dostanes... By default the software print the bell times bellow the period number...

1 How can I publish the final timetable for students/parents from ASC TimeTables software
... Select "Tell EduPage which timetable is final and when it is valid" ... So its is possible to for example add a different timetable just for one exam week, then the system will automatically revert to regular timetable...

1 How to change/reset structure of the printed layouts in TT online?
... Then you can either edit the structure by select required information for printing or set default structure...

1 How can I send timetable to teachers
... You may send it to just a few colleagues for reviews, or for all teachers if you want to show them the final timetable...

1 How can I print timetable for individual students
... then you will be able to select the printing report "Timetable for each student" ...

1 Pending students view
... These students are show in rows, their picks that were not realized, are show bellow: This view is good for final touchups...

1 How to specify lessons where students are joined from two classes?
... In case you want to combine only some students of the class (for example only group "Boys") then you need to select field "Group" for each class ... Confirm final selection with "OK" (D)...

1 The student’s timetable view
... Note that you can’t actually change the position of the lesson in this view; you only can change the sections where this student belongs: For example you can click on Sean’s lesson 141, he is now in section 3 ... (You can change this color coding) So this view is usufull for some final tuning...

1 Constraints relaxation
... It can help you to find the final timetable with only some constraints relaxed ...

1 How can I save my timetable to online storage
... Once the timetable is sucesfully saved a final dialog apears: You can click the button "Show...

1 How can we specify the Long Breaks/Recess times?
... specify the bell-times for printing - you can select the group of classes assigned into specified Bell, where the break will be printed, specify if double lesson can/can not be over this break...

1 How can I modify the print-out design?
... So for example if you change design named 'Our super cool design' ... printing...

1 How can I publish timetable for parents/students from aSc TimeTables windows application?
... for example 2017/2018-Final timetable...

1 What's new in version 2015
... The students can view homework or exam dates...

1 What’s new in version 2017
... So if your Math teachers want to have lesson where they want to give the same exam to more classes or they want to perhaps mix the students, you can easily satisfy them...

1 What's new in version 2012
... New events: There is now one unified function called Events that allows you: Plan exams for students Teacher can book exam for any class/subject, so that other teachers do not use the same date for important test/exams...

1 What’s new in version 2019
... After the generation is finished, the software tries to optimize the rooms in the final timetable once again ... For example you can specify: Teacher can have max 4 lessons per day - on 3 days per week...


1 How to enter student evaluation in the mobile application
... new exam, test, etc...

Final exam printing - Headmaster, deputy, administrator

1 How to arrange subjects on a report/certificate?
If the order of subjects appearing on a report matters, you can arrange them in the Pedagogical documentation section of the Education module. You can pick which subjects should appear and in what order by clicking on Setup subjects on certificates...

Printing - TimeTables

1 How can I select what printout will be printed?
On the main toolbar select print preview: A print preview appears and you can select what shall be printed in the combo box: Once you select the report you can move between all pages via button Previous Page, Next Page . You can also use the remaining icons to modify this selected report...

1 How to print in color and define colors in printouts
In the Print preview click on the icon Colors . A dialog appears where you can edit all colors settings. In the first area you can specify colors for cards and they backgrounds...

1 How can I print days in columns and periods in rows?
By default the software prints individual schedules for teachers, classes or classrooms using days as rows and periods as columns. You can switch this as shown on this picture: Note: - this is the quickest way...

1 How can I print Lecturer or Professor instead of Teacher?
Simply click right mouse button on the text and type the desired text: ...

1 How can I change the color of class?
You can change the pre-defined color of the class in this way: This color then can be used for printed layouts, or for displaying on the main screen during your work...

1 Print teachers' contracts
You can export the contracts to MS Excel...

1 How to remove all custom texts? Some texts in the printouts are wrong, what can I do?
... For example Grade5 instead of 5A/5B/5C...

1 How to print lessongrid?
Go to Print Preview...

1 I want to have periods running from top to bottom, not from left to right
There is one central setting that can swap the layout of timetables for ALL printouts. Go to global settings and choose that lessons shall go to top from bottom: All the printouts will be changed accordingly...

1 I want to change the header above printed timetable
You can go to Print Preview, then click icon General Settints...

1 How to print wallposters, for example 3x2 papers
Select that Wall poster from the list of available reports: Then you change the column widhts and heihts: ...

1 Why some of the periods are not displayed in print preview?
Most common cause is, that you have selected, that this (or these) period shall be printed only in one of the bells. Set it back to be printed in "All bells"...

1 Why there are missing classrooms printed in Classes timetables?
If you don't see some classrooms on the cards in your printed reports, it can have these main causes: 1. You have not used classrooms in your timetable at all. Please, see this topic: how to create and assign classrooms to the lessons and generate your timetable again. 2...