How to add a new subject

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In main menu click on Subjects - New. Following dialog "Subjects" appears.

Specify the subject's full name in "Subject title" and very important is to specify the "Short" name also . This abbreviation is very often use instead of the full names during the work or in the printed layouts.

For each subject you can also specify:
- Custom fields - see this: Custom fields,
- Color - which will be used on cards if you set so - see: Printing pictures of subjects
- Classrooms - see this: Subject's classrooms.

You do not need to fill all the fields, just fill those you understand and really want to use. You can change any value anytime later so do not be afraid. How to edit subject's details

See also:
How can I sort teachers/classes/subjects/classrooms?
Homework preparation
Max one history lesson on 6th-7th position in each class (solution 1)
Certain longer lessons can be over all breaks
Subject's classrooms