Transfers between buildings

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There are three main constraints about transfers between buildings.

Input buildings first. See: How to input buildings

Then you can set:
1. Class has to be in one building during the whole day - this means, that class (and students) can't transfer between buildings during the day (this is common on most schools, therefore this option is set as default).

2. Number of periods needed to transfer between buildings - this number means, how long does it take to transfer between buildings. If you input 1 here, it means that teacher needs 1 free period for transferring between buildings. If you input 0, it means that buildings are very close and teacher can transfer during the break between lessons.

In Timetables ONLINE:

3. Transfers for individual teachers - in teacher's constraints you can limit the max number of transits per day and per week. Use the "Set for more" button to copy this settings to the other teachers.

In Timetables online:

See also:
Max different buildings per day (#58)